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WHEB Asset Management honoured in ‘Best for World 2019’ List

BFTW 2019 logos x 4 with WHEB logo

WHEB Asset Management is thrilled to have been named in B Corporations’ ‘Best For The World’ list 2019.

Honoured in four out of seven categories – Changemakers, Customers, Governance and Overall – we are delighted to be recognised in the top 10% of all B Corps globally, based on an independent, comprehensive assessment administered by the non-profit B Lab.

For the third year running, WHEB has been recognised as one of the companies creating the most positive overall impact in the Customers category.

Honourees scoring in the top 10 percent set a gold standard for the high impact that businesses, as a force for good, can make on consumers around the world. WHEB Asset Management made the list thanks to exceptional practices which are embedded in WHEB’s business mission to advance sustainability and create prosperity through positive impact investments.

George Latham, Managing Partner, said,

“WHEB is proud to be a Certified B Corporation and we are delighted to be honoured in four categories this year. We are particularly pleased to be named in the Changemakers category. Certifying as a B Corp three years ago was the first step for us so it’s fantastic that our impact score has improved over the years. With more asset managers becoming B Corps, this growing community is demonstrating the positive impact investment firms can have and their businesses can truly be a force for good.”

To see the full list of honourees in all categories, please click here

For more information on the B Corp movement, please click here

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