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Abigail Rotheroe and Martin Rich join WHEB Asset Management’s Advisory Committee

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WHEB Asset Management are pleased to welcome two new members to their Advisory Committee. Respected in the fields of mainstream and social investment alike, Abigail Rotheroe and Martin Rich join the committee to provide independent oversight and governance on behalf of clients in WHEB’s investment strategy.

Abigail Rotheroe brings over 20 years’ experience in investment management, most recently as Investment Director at Snowball Impact Investment. In her role at Snowball, she developed their leading approach to impact measurement and built out a multi-asset portfolio that aims to create positive outcomes for people and planet while generating sound financial returns. Prior to joining Snowball, Abigail worked for New Philanthropy Capital as Head of Social Investment and has contributed broadly to the development of the impact investment ecosystem.

Martin Rich is the Co-founder and Executive Director of Future-Fit Foundation, a non-profit organisation which has designed a methodology to help companies, investors and advisors guide, measure and report on progress towards an environmentally restorative, socially just and economically inclusive future. Martin is a sustainability and impact specialist with over 25 years’ experience in both mainstream and social investment with a successful career in international finance working for UBS, JP Morgan, HSBC and Social Finance Ltd.

Seb Beloe, Partner and Head of Research at WHEB, said “We are very excited to welcome Abigail and Martin to the Advisory Committee and expanding the breadth of knowledge, specifically from a social perspective. Our Advisory Committee creates an additional layer of transparency for our investors, and we value the perspectives of these external experts”.

Abigail and Martin join three other external members on the committee; Jayne Sutcliffe, Non-Executive Chair, Carole Ferguson, Partner and Research Director at Signal Climate Analytics and Alice Chapple, Director at Impact Value. The Committee meets every four months to review the holdings in WHEB’s investment funds for their consistency with the funds’ aims and objectives. The minutes from these meetings are published on the website.



Libby Stanley, Marketing Manager, WHEB Asset Management

About WHEB Asset Management:

WHEB is a positive impact investor focused on the opportunities created by the transition to a low carbon and sustainable global economy. We are well known and respected for our experience, expertise and innovation in sustainable and impact investing. We focus on a single global equity strategy, which has been developed over the long-term and tested across market cycles. We are an owner managed partnership that is incentivised to take long-term decisions.

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